Learn HTML basics from scratch for beginners
- 24-07-2022
- Trung Minh
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is conceptually a hypertext language, we can understand in terms of HTML acting as a material to build the interface of the website, its task is to display text, images, videos, buttons … the browser will rely on the HTML structure, using an engine to read and render data to the browser. If you build a house you will need bricks, stone, cement and other auxiliary materials, then HTML is like the materials you need to build that house.
To work with HTML, it's actually not too difficult, it's generally a set of documents with a predefined hierarchical tree structure, using tags (<tenthe>), to do it it's not necessary to know all the rules. tags and very easy to remember so learning it is not difficult, the hard part is how to combine it with CSS and javascript to present it in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Currently, the latest version is HTML5, this is a version that is closely related to Javascript and CSS3, so it will have a higher complexity, and of course, the more complex, the more vivid the interface.
In this category, I will synthesize all HTML learning materials from basic to advanced, so that you can build a basic static website.
- What is HTML? What is the HTML layout of a website?
- Distinguish HTML Elements and HTML Attributes
- Format text in HTML
- Heading and List in HTML
- Table tags in HTML (colspan, rowspan, cellpadding and cellspacing)
- HTML a tag and commonly used a tag attributes
- How to use img tag in HTML and img . attributes
- HTML style attribute
- The style tag in HTML
- Distinguish HTML Block and Inline tags
- How to use div tags in HTML to create interface blocks
- Distinguish ID and Class in HTML
- Create simple HTML layouts
- Create a simple HTML article list
- Create a single level menu with simple HTML
- Create background and border for HTML tags
- HTML tags create data collection forms
Mục lục
HTML5 Introduction
- HTML5 Structure: How to Create Your First HTML5 Template
- The article tag in HTML5
- HTML5 header tag
- The hgroup tag in HTML5
- The nav tag in HTML5
- The section tag in HTML
- aside tag in HTML5
- Validate forms in HTML5
Heading tags
- Title tag in HTML
- HTML base tag
- Link tag in HTML
- Meta tags in HTML
- Script tags in HTML
- Noscript tag in HTML
Input tags to submit data via form Form tags
- Input tags in HTML
- Textarea tag in HTML
- Button tag in HTML
- Option tag in HTML
- The fieldset tag in HTML
- Label tag in HTML
- Form tag in HTML
List tags
Paragraph tags for working with text
Common tags
- Comment tag in html in HTML
- abbr tag in HTML
- Address tag in HTML
- Audio tags in HTML
- The b tag in HTML
- HTML blockquote tag
- Body tag in HTML
- The canvas tag in HTML
- Caption tag in HTML
- HTML col tag
- Colgroup tag in HTML
- Datalist tag in HTML
- The del tag in HTML
- Details tag in HTML
- Dialog tag in HTML
- div tag in HTML
- Embed tag in HTML
- The figcaption tag in HTML
- The figure tag in HTML
- Footer tag in HTML
- hr tag in HTML
- HTML tags in HTML
- The i tag in HTML
- iframe tag in HTML
- The ins tag in HTML
- The fieldset tag in HTML
- Legend tag in HTML
- HTML main tag
- The meter tag in HTML
- Noscript tag in HTML
- The object tag in HTML
- Output tag in HTML
- Param tag in HTML
- Picture tag in HTML
- HTML progress tag
- The q tag in HTML
- rp tag in HTML
- rt tag in HTML
- Ruby tag in HTML
- The s tag in HTML
- Small tag in HTML
- The source tag in HTML
- Span tag in HTML
- Strong tag in HTML
- Sub tag in HTML
- Summary tag in HTML
- Super tag in HTML
- Table tag in HTML
- HTML tbody tag
- HTML td tag
- HTML tfoot tag
- th tag in HTML
- Thead tag in HTML
- Time tag in HTML
- The tr tag in HTML
- The u tag in HTML
- The var tag in HTML
- Video tags in HTML
- The wbr tag in HTML
HTML5 Canvas