Simple factors to help you improve reader satisfaction on your WordPress site [Overview Guide]
- 24-07-2022
- chuong xuan

There are seemingly small things when it is convenient for the reader that we easily overlook, easily ignore to the point of unbelievable. But there are 2 problems:
Mục lục
Font is too small, font style or color problem
Have you ever seen a website with too small fonts? You have to squint, even zoom in a bit. That is even more certain for 40-50 year olds, as their eyesight gradually deteriorates.
Small fonts definitely affect the ease of user reading and understanding of the content. If your site still uses fonts from under 14px, I think you are in the category of using too small fonts.
How to check font size, style, color: You can use the following Chrome extension called WhatFont.
Once installed in Chrome, you go to your website, then you turn it on (click the f?), then click any text on the web page to check the corresponding size. . My site example:
![Simple factors to help you improve reader satisfaction on your WordPress site [Overview Guide]](https://hocvietcode.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/image-158.png)
The red arrow indicates the size on my site is 20px, where the color is the color (#000000 is full black, #111111 will be a bit less black, #FFFFFF is all white, … CSS color codes for articles). Where Family is a type of font, some fonts are more popular than others.
My advice:
- Although today's screens have higher resolutions, it's still a good idea to choose a sans-serif font for easy viewing;
- Font size should be between 16px – 24px. The actual number depends on many other things (e.g. font style), but should be enough to cover most cases;
- The font color should not contrast too much with the background, for example, the font color should not be completely black on a completely white background. I have observed many websites that they often use black level text colors from #222222 to #444444 on an all-white background;
- Always test your fonts on different screens, different operating systems (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile; Android, iOS, etc.) to ensure unexpected errors are detected. ;
Solution for WordPress website:
It hurts when manual font editing requires you to have CSS knowledge, which is in your field of expertise, not general knowledge.
To edit you go to the Appearance section (Appearence) and then the additional CSS section, or edit the CSS will be as follows:
![Simple factors to help you improve reader satisfaction on your WordPress site [Overview Guide]](https://hocvietcode.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/image-159.png)
or like this:
![Simple factors to help you improve reader satisfaction on your WordPress site [Overview Guide]](https://hocvietcode.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cac-yeu-to-don-gian-giup-ban-cai-thien-su-hai-long-cua-nguoi-doc-tren-website-su-dung-wordpress-huong-dan-tong-quan_12.png)
In fact, some premium themes (which often cost money) have the ability for the user to customize the font, such as choosing the font type, size, color, etc.
Besides fonts for main text, you should pay attention to fonts in the following areas:
- font for heading tags h1, h2, h3, etc; note their weight: font-weight;
- Font for list content (ordered or unordered);
- Fonts for block quotes;
The table on the page is too monotonous
The tables on the page may be too sketchy, the fonts are not impressive, the table borders are not clearly separated, and the columns and rows are not easy to see.
Sometimes tables need to sort data as the user needs it, for example in top-down or bottom-to-top order, which is also beyond the capabilities of WordPress default tables.
Solution for WordPress website:
There are basically 2 solutions. The first way is to interfere with CSS through additional CSS. You can try nice table CSS templates here.
Another way is to use a plugin, such as TablePress – a plugin for WordPress that is highly rated for creating tables.
You will have a nice and easy to organize table as needed like this:
![Simple factors to help you improve reader satisfaction on your WordPress site [Overview Guide]](https://hocvietcode.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cac-yeu-to-don-gian-giup-ban-cai-thien-su-hai-long-cua-nguoi-doc-tren-website-su-dung-wordpress-huong-dan-tong-quan_100.png)
Color for hard-to-recognize links
One of the most important issues in SEO, as well as in discovering your site's content, are internal links as well as external links. Collectively called links.
There is an implicit rule about the color and style of links that has become so common that if you break it, the possibility of problems is very high.
Currently most of the externally displayed links are blue. This blue is quite diverse from like this or this or this. Despite the variety, the blue tone is still dominant, don't be foolish to turn your links into yellow or red.
Another fairly common style is the underlined link below, like this one. Does this have an applicable page or not. Personally, some pages also apply underline to indicate links.
Some other important issues with links are the formatting of links on hover and visited links.
My advice is that you should:
- Create a different style when hovering over the link, such as changing the text color and/and underline;
- Visited links should probably change color for easy identification, especially pages with lots of internal links, but you should also consider changing the link color;
Solution for WordPress website:
Chances are the premium themes also allow you to customize these features.
Personally, I often use CSS interventions. Code example to change link color on web page:
/* CSS cho link */ .entry-content a {color:#0080a5; text-decoration: underline;} .entry-content a:visited {color:#663399; text-decoration: underline;} .entry-content a:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:#c00;} /* Hết CSS cho link */
Related articles at the end of the post
Besides internal linking, end-of-article related articles are also a potential area to drive traffic & retain readers.
Some problems with this part:
- Must be done manually: if this happens it will take a long time to complete, especially on pages with a large number of articles;
- Related posts are not high;
- The related article format is too monotonous (e.g. plain text);
- Non-custom (choose related articles to the editor's liking);
Solution for WordPress website:
This part I use a plugin, it has the advantage of being automatic, easy to use and highly customizable: WordPress Related Posts by Sovrn, zemanta.
WordPress comment area is boring! It has the following problems:
- The interface is not eye-catching;
- Roughly (the feature of entering the website address is superfluous for most commenters);
- Pages should be broken down to improve usability in the case of a lot of comments;
- No special advanced features;
Solution for WordPress website:
A plugin that came out recently is a great solution to this problem. It's called wpDiscuz (You can see the wpDiscuz manual here.)
WPDiscuz fixes almost all issues related to WordPress default comment area. It's just that using WPDiscuz most effectively takes a lot of customization time. I will write a post about this plugin in the near future.
Share on social networks
If your site only has a handful of visitors, social sharing buttons might not make much of a difference. However, if the site gets thousands of daily views, then share buttons have the potential to generate more traffic and other additional benefits.
The problem with share buttons mainly lies in the poor customizability, such as the ability to choose social networks, change the button size, customize the look and feel on mobile. Share buttons if not clever can have the opposite effect, for example, it is too loud and noticeable, making users uncomfortable. This is the part where you need design flair.
Solution for WordPress website:
- You can use Addthis's free solution: It's beautiful, highly customizable, has stats;
- Use the plugin to buy, the price at the time of this writing is 20 USD: Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress. The advantage is that it is highly customizable, the interface is beautiful, and there are statistics. Also, since this is an in-house solution, you don't have to depend on a third party like Addthis, but at a cost!
Search the website
The default search area on a WordPress site is not the part that many users are interested in. There are two main reasons:
- It often gives bad results. Objectively I only give an average score of 5/10;
- The search feature is often unnecessary on low content sites;
But if you want to make a change or the feature is important to you, use the search engine instead.
Solution for WordPress website:
- Using plugins for WordPress: go to Google and search for the following top keyword search plugin wordpress, then discover your favorite plugin. The advantage of this solution is that there will be no ads, the downside is that it may not be suitable for sites with too many articles (or hosting is not strong enough) and the best tools, you have to give up. out a small amount;
- Use Google Custom Search: the advantage is obvious, you integrate the world's most popular and powerful search engine into the website. Search quality should not be discussed, right? That is its biggest advantage. Yes, but life is not like a dream. Its downside is that it will show ads for keywords for which it is likely to show ads. This is acceptable if you trust the quality of your page, users will most likely skip the ad to click on the results on your page.
To install Google Custom Search, Google will provide you with a small code to insert into your website. Normally you would paste it in the widget section in the right column (after removing the default search engine).
The above are only general guidelines, when going into details there are many problems. However, it is certainly possible if you want and I hope to write additional articles for it soon. With the web world overflowing with information, you need to make your website worth the reader's time.